
Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain services located in The Woodlands, TX

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can strike anytime, making it difficult to brush your teeth, comb your hair, and bathe. At Preserve Physical Therapy in The Woodlands, Texas, board-certified physical therapist Rupal Mehta, PT, MS, DPT, PhD, uses noninvasive manual therapy and innovative technology to relieve shoulder pain, promote healing, and restore mobility. Call or text Preserve Physical Therapy today to schedule shoulder pain treatment or request a new patient form online.

Is shoulder pain something to worry about?

Not necessarily. Your shoulders are two of the most active joints in your entire body, so they experience daily wear-and-tear. It’s normal to develop mild shoulder pain occasionally, but if your symptoms continue for more than a week and don’t improve with rest, identifying the cause is crucial. 

Dr. Mehta has more than 20 years of experience using physical therapy and other manual techniques to stop shoulder pain and keep it from worsening.

What causes shoulder pain?

At Preserve Physical Therapy, Dr. Mehta treats shoulder pain caused by:

  • Shoulder joint arthritis
  • Bone spurs
  • Bursitis
  • Broken shoulder bone
  • Shoulder separation
  • Dislocated shoulder joint

You might benefit from physical therapy if you suffer a rotator cuff injury. These injuries are most common in athletes who throw, including baseball players, softball players, and quarterbacks.

What can I expect at a physical therapy consultation for shoulder pain?

Before developing a personalized treatment plan, Dr. Mehta reviews your medical records and asks about your symptoms. He quizzes you about when the pain started, what it feels like, and if it’s worse when you reach for objects or lift your arm over your head.

Let Dr. Mehta know about your job and lifestyle, including if you play sports or do other activities that put your shoulder at risk. This information helps pinpoint the underlying cause and is crucial in guiding treatment.

Dr. Mehta completes a physical therapy evaluation. He assesses your shoulder joint’s strength and range of motion and evaluates your ability to lift your arm, reach, and make throwing motions. He also orders diagnostic imaging to check for underlying issues, like bone spurs, fractures, or rotator cuff inflammation.

How does a physical therapist treat shoulder pain?

At Preserve Physical Therapy, Dr. Mehta treats shoulder pain with manual therapies and innovative technology. He might suggest:

  • Joint mobilization
  • Soft tissue mobilization
  • Myofascial release
  • Massage therapy
  • Movement training
  • Postural training
  • Joint taping
  • Gait training
  • Balance training
  • Shockwave therapy

Dr. Mehta often incorporates biofeedback muscle training as part of a complete care plan. This advanced treatment uses wearable electronic sensors and mind-body techniques to improve muscle control, relieve pain, and speed up healing.

Most people with shoulder pain benefit from a combination of these techniques. Dr. Mehta monitors your progress at routine checkups and makes adjustments as needed. 

Call or text Preserve Physical Therapy today to schedule shoulder pain treatment or request a new patient form online.