
Sports Medicine

Sports Medicine services located in The Woodlands, TX

Sports Medicine

Sports medicine reduces the risk of injuries, so you can maximize your athletic performance and feel your best. At Preserve Physical Therapy in The Woodlands, Texas, board-certified physical therapist Rupal Mehta, PT, MS, DPT, PhD, provides sports medicine to runners, weekend warriors, and professional athletes. Call or text Preserve Physical Therapy today to schedule sports medicine or request a new patient form online.

Is sports medicine only for athletes?

Sports medicine is a physical therapy subspecialty focused on injury prevention and improved performance. It’s geared toward runners and athletes, but anyone who leads an active lifestyle can benefit. For example, sports medicine reduces your risk of repetitive strain and chronic pain if you work a physically strenuous job like construction or warehousing. 

At Preserve Physical Therapy, Dr. Mehta has over 20 years of experience working with athletes and other active people. His extensive knowledge and use of innovative technology ensure prompt relief and positive outcomes. 

What types of injuries benefit from sports medicine?

At Preserve Physical Therapy, Dr. Mehta uses sports medicine to treat various musculoskeletal injuries, including:

  • Ligament sprains
  • Muscle strains and tears
  • Tendinitis
  • Bursitis
  • Achilles tendon rupture
  • Fractures (broken bones)
  • Dislocated joints
  • Repetitive use injuries like tennis elbow and runner’s knee
  • Rotator cuff injuries

You might benefit from sports medicine if you suffer from chronic foot pain caused by plantar fasciitis, bunions, or bone spurs. 

What does sports medicine involve?

At Preserve Physical Therapy, Dr. Mehta tailors sports medicine to your individual needs. He might suggest:

Gait training

Gait training uses motion sensors and video data to identify gait abnormalities that increase your risk of injury. A healthy, balanced gait reduces pain, prevents injury, and maximizes your performance on the court or field.

Foot pressure mapping

Foot pressure mapping is particularly beneficial for track and field athletes. It uses electronic sensors to assess your weight distribution while standing, walking, and running. It also identifies problems that might affect your gait (how you walk), like bunions, flat feet, and high arches. 

Joint taping

Joint taping uses a special type of athletic tape to gently hold your joints and/or soft tissues in the optimal position. This provides stability and support while speeding up your recovery.

Biofeedback muscle training

Dr. Mehta is one of the only physical therapists in The Woodlands offering this innovative technology. It uses data collected from wearable electronic sensors and mind-body techniques to strengthen your muscles, improve muscle reaction, and enhance recovery.

Manual therapy

Manual therapies like massage and myofascial release use hands-on movements, like kneading of the skin and muscles, to increase circulation, relieve pain, and promote healing. Dr. Mehta offers several types of manual therapy, including joint and soft tissue mobilization.

Call Preserve Physical Therapy today to schedule a sports medicine appointment or request a new patient form online.